Welcome to "Tavington's Men"
The only fanlisting for the "[+] Green Dragoons" from the movie "The Patriot" listed
at TheFanlistingsNetwork.
This excerpt beautifully names one of the many reasons why someone would call him/herself a fan of the "Green Dragoons". Being terror on horseback (or on foot if necessary) to carry out Tavington's orders without questions, no matter how gruesome the task, made them one of the most adorable group of movie villains out there.
So if you are a fan of Tavington, Bordon, Wilkins and all the other Green Dragoons who remained nameless, please join their fanlisting.
In crisp formation, they thundered toward the house,
leaving an enormous dust cloud in their wake. The Dragoons were the finest light cavalry
in the world and, man for man, the most leathal fighting force in history. They made an
impressive sight and struck fear into the hearts of everyone present that morning.
from "The Patriot" by Stephen Molstad,
page 74, ISBN 0-06-102076-1
page 74, ISBN 0-06-102076-1
This excerpt beautifully names one of the many reasons why someone would call him/herself a fan of the "Green Dragoons". Being terror on horseback (or on foot if necessary) to carry out Tavington's orders without questions, no matter how gruesome the task, made them one of the most adorable group of movie villains out there.
So if you are a fan of Tavington, Bordon, Wilkins and all the other Green Dragoons who remained nameless, please join their fanlisting.
This fanlisting was last updated 16th January 2025 and has a total of 72 members from 20 countries with 0 waiting for approval.
About 0.01 fans per day have joined since the fanlisting was opened on the 3rd April 2005.
The fanlisting is maintained by Barbayat with the aid of Enthusiast, CodeSort, Fan Update and other sources.

17th January 2023
Fixed some script errors and manually added the link back buttons back which had been missing due to the script not working with newer php versions.